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Tag: quantum

Accessing campaign metrics on Socialmetrix Quantum

This is the second post about Socialmetrix Quantum API, at this time we’ll use the API to show summary statistics about campaigns. Please refer to the first post in order to get your API token and basic API usage instructions.

We walk you through the process of creating a campaign and assinging posts to it through the web ui, once the information is loaded, we’ll extract this metrics using Quantum API.

How-To: Accessing Socialmetrix Quantum API to Create custom Social Dashboards

This is the first post of a series on how to use Socialmetrix Quantum as datasource, which enables you to create custom dashboards or ingest social data into your internal systems empowering your big data initiatives.

To get started, we will login into your Quantum account and get the API authentication token. Don’t have an account yet? Get a free trial!